TUNA Automotive Transformation

The Client

A 2 Billion USD Automotive Retail and Distribution company among the largest in its region. This company is one of Toyota’s preferred partners and distributes all vehicles and vehicle parts in Toyota’s portfolio. 

3 years ago, the company made a bold move to sunset their legacy systems and implement a complete supply chain transformation on the cloud. All business processes from procurement of standard and custom vehicles to delivery to the customer were affected 

The Challenge – Reduce the time and manpower for system re-certification

Cloud solutions simplify an organizational need to maintain and manage infrastructure easing up a lot of cost and effort, so that their IT can focus on what it does best; serve its customers. But in this case a significant Achilles heel remained.  

Cloud solutions have a frequent cycle of software updates (in this case a quarterly refresh) to provide bug fixes, new function features, and performance improvements.  

Every time a release is distributed, the client’s IT team needed to perform an end to end sanity and regression check of their entire implemented cloud solution to ensure none of their base and custom functions suffered.  

For a lean IT organization, this became a mammoth-like effort every quarter and the core IT team would end up spending close to 1 month to test and certify the Oracle patch release before the new update went live. With 4 refreshes every year, the regression testing effort placed a huge burden on their IT manpower and detracted from their main goal of supporting operations 

The Solution

The client approached ITOrizon for an automation solution on TUNA, ITOrizons Cloud Automation Platform, to drastically reduce their company’s time and effort in certification.  

TUNA Enterprise Cloud & Mobile Automation Platform value proposition is two-fold: 

  • Built on the industry leading Selenium open source framework, TUNA provides a selfmanagedre-usable script to clients 
  • Built ireporting – Each workflow automatically captures screenshots of key validations for review by the support team. Visuals of test case failures are invaluable when debugging business scenarios and when escalating issues to the software vendor. 

Building the Path to Success

For a successful automation to be built, understanding the business functions and the operation procedures is key.  

ITOrizon quickly staffed a Supply chain transformation and Automation team to design and implement TUNA automation. 

ITOrizon’s Supply chain transformation team worked closely with the clients IT and business teams to understand the end to end flows and each validation in every stage of the operations to develop detailed functional and operational process workflows 

It was immediately evident that this would be a very data intensive solution. A single car can contain more than 30,000 parts before assembly, and each component would mean a different set of iterations, rules, and flows to navigate ( about 400+ such iterations).  

ITOrizon’s Automation team understood the functional flows and architected an automation which optimally covers every workflow based on the vehiclethe components selected, and even the customizations performed.

ITOrizon Inc., a global end-to-end IT supply chain ecosystem service leader based in Atlanta, with offshore locations in India and Dubai, has been helping clients ensure success for more than 10 years. We maximize the value of existing ecosystem investments while outpacing the competition with a human-first service delivery client experience. Industry analysts such as Gartner, ISG, and ARC Advisory have recognized us for our high-performance services team, built to scale and delivering strategic advisory, implementation/integration, digital transformation, and managed support services.

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