Composing a Sensible Supply Chain Control Tower

Business Profile

The customer distributes around 22+ brands and thousands of products to 130+ global companies. Business operations covers both B2B and B2C (eCommerce) customers and leveraging 3PL providers to manage the warehouse operations and fulfillment needs. Operations systems include SAP and several homegrown MRP applications. 

Business Problem

Lack of visibility across warehouses

Lack of global visibility of products across warehouses, operations, transactions, and stock levels hinders decision making process. Users cannot determine the most appropriate location to receive supplies and fulfil orders as per stock levels. 

Lacking wall-to-wall physical inventory count automation

Lack of automation in cycle counting leads to delays, inventory inaccuracies and increased labor cost.  

Disconnect between Operational Systems and System of Record

No real-time integration between operation systems and the system of record leading to major reconciliation issues 

No productivity visibility across warehouses

Lack of visibility in warehouse efficiencies and labor performance prevents management from comparing KPIs as each warehouse is in different systems with different units of measures  

No safety monitoring function for the warehouses 

Inability to sense and react to environments behavior including temperature control, equipment speed, battery life leads to workers safety, product control attributes, product wastage and meeting customer experience.   

Composable Component in Action

Robust integration framework layer integrates and correlate the data across all the WMS systems including IoT data with no change to the data, built a logical data model to converge master data from all the other applications such as financials, inventory, shipments and customer data. End users can view all the data from all 10+ warehouses under customized services, widgets and queries.  

Users are taking advantage of “Sense and React” orchestration capabilities to define standard business operations and automate the routine, recurring procedures involving their business operations or transactional objects like inventory, shipments, orders and much more instead of waiting for exception management to kick in. 

Users are able to reap the benefits of enhanced decision-making process through scenario planning engine and ML algorithms by taking the application and, machines data to streamline procurement process, mitigate inventory overages, exceed on-time customer deliveries and so on. 

Overall, we enabled a smart control tower platform that brings supply chain convergence by integrating their internal and 3rd party supply chain system with much required transparency that leads to enhanced visibility, process, productivity improvements and actionable ecosystems all within days and weeks. 

ITOrizon Inc., a global end-to-end IT supply chain ecosystem service leader based in Atlanta, with offshore locations in India and Dubai, has been helping clients ensure success for more than 10 years. We maximize the value of existing ecosystem investments while outpacing the competition with a human-first service delivery client experience. Industry analysts such as Gartner, ISG, and ARC Advisory have recognized us for our high-performance services team, built to scale and delivering strategic advisory, implementation/integration, digital transformation, and managed support services.

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